Tuesday 28 September 2010

My first Zelda related post: for Minecraft fans also!

Hey, just a short one popping in to basically let all those who own Minecraft know about a fun little on-going project I've found. It's called Legend Of Minecraft, and is simply one guy using Minecraft to re-create the original Zelda. It's really early on but he gives updates on his blog about it and I'm sure that some friendly comments or even offers of help for those who want to get on board would be greatly appreciated.


  1. When do you think the next post will be up? THe RSS feed has been rather slow in this case. D=

    Just to give a semi-obvious new game, N was kind of fun, despite being really confusing to me. XD

  2. @ Alsius sorry! I've just started collegge and its pretty intense with the workload so I've had to give it a little break but now its the holiday I have a week to sort things out and should hopefully do a series of posts in rapid succession to make up for the lack of anything recent.
